• May 1, 2023 Sales begin


For generations, Japanese traditional kogei (arts and crafts) has continuously inherited the highest skills and expressions. ”ON-KO-CHI-SHIN” project, a Japanese term defined as developing new ideas based on past studies, was launched in hopes to utilize the NFT technology to pass down the value of these fine crafts to future generations worldwide.
The Future Outlook of
the Japanese Traditional Kogei
We will release digital art modeled based on the works of three Japanese artists, including Living National Treasures
The Japanese Cultural Properties Protection Law defines "Intangible Cultural Properties" as performing arts, music, craft techniques, and other intangible cultural assets that possess high historical or artistic value to the country.
An Individual who has achieved advanced mastery of them is nominated as Important Intangible Cultural Property holder or commonly knowns as the "Living National Treasure" and there are only 116 of them in Japan.
. The artists’ share of this project’s proceeds will go towards preserving Japanese kogei and fostering the next generation of artists. By owning an NFT, you can become a patron of this movement.
Photographer “RK”
as Creative Director
RK is a street photographer best known for the portraits of celebrities such as Takashi Murakami and KAWS. The vibrancy of the city streets, architecture, and nature are captured uniquely depicted and have been featured in both Japanese and International media. He holds the Japanese record for most NFT sales in the Foundation Marketplace. (As of May 2022)


“One of a kind NFT artwork”
produced by RK and “3D NFT,”
a three dimensional recreation of the exquisite
Japanese kogei will be offered.
A decorative technique of urushi (Japanese Lacquer) art developed exclusively in Japan over some 1,200 years. It is a way of producing pictorial designs using urushi and sprinkled metal powder such as gold or silver.
Created by
Some-ori, or the technique of dyeing and weaving is considered very intimate in our lifestyles. A Japanese kimono serves a fashionable purpose as well as reflecting culture and history. This technique has evolved in response to the climates of various regions of the country. The intricate designs on the kimono constitute wearable art.
Created by
Jiki (porcelain) is a subset of tojiki (ceramic) fired at high temperatures to achieve extremely hard and liquid-impervious properties. The iron in the glaze produces the celadon hue, whereas a glaze without iron produces white porcelain, both of which formerly emulated jade and white jade, and continue to captivate people today.
Created by


“One of a kind” NFT collaboration of RK’s photographs and Japanese traditional kogei.
The auction will feature a total of 9 items.
High-quality 3D model NFT of the Japanese traditional kogei. Also available for viewing on OnCyber galleries.
A total of 9 types will be sold at a “fixed price.”


  • Living National Treasure
    Urushi (lacquer) artist
    Kazumi Murose
  • Living National Treasure
    Some-ori (textile) artist
    Yoshinori Tsuchiya
  • Jiki (porcelain) artist
    Iwao Shinno
What is “Living National Treasure”?
The Japanese Cultural Properties Protection Law defines "Intangible Cultural Properties" as stage arts, music, craft techniques, and other intangible cultural assets that possess high historical or artistic value to the country. The individuals who have achieved advanced mastery of the technique as the holder of that Important Intangible Cultural Property are nominated as "Living National Treasure." There are only 116 people considered "Living National Treasure" in Japan.

1-1 NFT HOLDER BENEFIT *Available only to 1-of-1 NFT purchasers

  • 01
    Receive a 3D NFT of your artwork (limit 1)
  • 02
    Invitation to visit the artist's studio of your won item

COMMON BENEFIT *Available to both 1-of-1 NFT and 3D NFT purchasers

  • 01
    Invitation to an offline exhibition (Special commentary provided)
  • 02
    Access to an exclusive NFT holder Discord channel
  • 03
    Priority in future JINP related projects


  • Quantity
    1-of-1 NFT: 9 total
    3DNFT: 9 total types
  • Price
    1-of-1 NFT: Auction
    3D NFT: Fixed price
  • Location
    1-of-1 NFT:Foundation
    3DNFT:Sales Page
  • Date
    ①1-of-1 NFT (RK edition)
    April 30, 2023 10:00 pm(EST)Sales begin
    AL holder:2023/04/30 10:00 pm ~ 2023/05/07 9:59 am(EST)
    public sale:2023/05/07 10:00 pm ~ 2023/06/30 9:59 am(EST)


  • What is NFT?
    NFTs are unique sets of “digital data that are not interchangeable and come with proof of authenticity and ownership.” Similar to many cryptocurrencies, these data are created and traded on a blockchain which makes them extremely hard to tamper with and now hold an asset value.
  • What rights come with the purchase of NFT?
    1. Customer does not receive any intellectual property rights, including copyrights associated with the purchased NFT.
    2. You may not copy, reproduce, edit, or otherwise alter the purchased NFT.
(*Non-commercial use on social media is permitted)
  • How can I buy NFT?
    *For more information on how to purchase, please click here.
  • Where does the profit go?
    The proceeds will be used by each artist to “pass down the tradition of kogei to future generations and overseas.”
  • Where can I view the purchased NFT?
    Available on NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea etc.
    OnCyber is recommended for 3D NFT viewing.
1. 定義
1.1. 「コンテンツ」とは、文章、音声、音楽、画像、動画、ソフトウェア、プログラム、コードその他の情報のことをいいます。
1.2. 「本コンテンツ」とは、本サービスを通じてアクセスすることができるコンテンツのことをいいます。
1.3. 「投稿コンテンツ」とは、お客様が本サービスに投稿、送信、アップロードしたコンテンツのことをいいます。
1.4. 「コイン」とは、本サービスにおいて有償で提供されるサービスまたはコンテンツと交換可能な前払式支払手段およびこれに類するもののことをいいます。
1.5. 「個別利用条件」とは、本サービスに関して、本規約とは別に「規約」、「ガイドライン」、「ポリシー」等の名称で当社が配布または掲示している条件のことをいいます。
2. 規約への同意
2.1. お客様は、本規約の定めに従って本サービスを利用しなければなりません。お客様は、本規約に同意をしない限り本サービスを利用できません。
2.2. お客様が未成年者である場合は、親権者等の法定代理人の同意を得たうえで本サービスを利用してください。また、お客様が本サービスを事業者のために利用する場合は、当該事業者も本規約に同意したうえで本サービスを利用してください。
2.3. 本サービスにおいて個別利用条件がある場合、お客様は、本規約のほか個別利用条件の定めにも従って本サービスを利用しなければなりません。
3. 規約の変更
4. アカウント
4.1. 本サービスの利用に際して、情報を登録のうえ、アカウントの作成が必要となる場合があります。この場合、お客様は、真実、正確かつ完全な情報を登録しなければならず、常に最新の情報となるよう修正しなければなりません。
4.2. お客様は、本サービスの利用に際して認証情報を登録する場合、これを不正に利用されないようご自身の責任で厳重に管理しなければなりません。当社は、登録されたお客様の認証情報を利用して操作が行われた場合、お客様ご本人の行為として本サービスを提供します。
4.3. 本サービスに登録したお客様は、いつでもアカウントを削除して退会することができます。
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5.1. 当社は、お客様のプライバシーを尊重しています。
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6. サービスの提供
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6.2. 当社は、本サービスの全部または一部を、年齢、本人確認の有無、登録情報の有無、その他、当社が必要と判断する条件を満たしたお客様に限定して提供することができます。
6.3. 当社は、当社が必要と判断する場合、あらかじめお客様に通知することなく、いつでも、本サービスの全部または一部の内容を変更することができます。
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(3) システムの障害が発生した場合またはシステムに負荷が集中した場合
(4) お客様または第三者の安全を確保する場合または公共の利益のために緊急を要する場合
(5) (1)から(4)までに定めるもののほか、当社が必要と合理的に判断した場合